Fuck it
the meaningless-ness of art
the pointlessness of my life
join my manic rollercoaster
look apon the fuel for the fire
the future pyre of flame on the endless beach of nothing
burning all my stupid "art"
under the silent stars
fuck everything
fuck you
fuck off
there I said it
am I an asshole? does it matter?
is there anything for which you would die for?
oh, most certaintly, sir
I would stop the radiation
I would stop the soldiers
I would stop the rape
Have I yet begun to live? I don't really know
Is there a reason beyond my own dreams?
Am I awake or real or dead and dreaming?
Am I insane? does it matter?
Are we all lost?
The great breath breathes you while you read
and your heart pumps anyway, regardless
The birds need me
my kids need me
someday I will die. for real.
good. I happen to remember that place.
my bags are almost packed.
hey ghost, thanks for reading.
thanks for listening to the buzz of my guitar
thanks for being there always
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