Its dry in here and the computer is gently humming
the rain is constant, like that one planet from some old tv show
there is a dim and peaceful light on
I am not becoming anymore
A dog barks in the distance
I read alot but find it necessary to distill it all to bare bones, shunning intellectualism and certainty like some disease
Nothing is true for long
I have heard it said that the destination is the journey and tonight that seems true.
For dinner I had leftover enchiladas and my little girl ran around with a frog towel on her head.
Antimatter protons shoot a beam out the top of a lightening bolt and into space.
science just learned this. We never knew it untill a few weeks ago. What else is going on around us that we don't know?
Another siren echoes off into the distance
It is funny how the depth of the mind and its quiet can open out, so that it feels like your mind is THE mind and there is no little body or person with your name, just some kind of vast love, infinite and floating
But my friend says "feelings are not facts"
Ha, my feeling for her is the only fact I know
A car just sped past in the darkness
I don't have to much to say tonight
I keep thinking of painting ghost elks and giant all white snakes on vacant buildings
I wonder why? Where does this stuff come from?
Art seems so pointless to me now but IT doesn't really care, does it
It just keeps coming and coming and always will
Trying to stop graffitti is like trying to stop the rain
good luck
I had a dream the other night where I was hanging out with Bob Dylan and walking down the street and he says over and over, " I have seen the tree shimmering and glowing"
And this was the answer to all my problems
I have seen the tree shimmering and glowing
what does it mean?
I have no idea but I know what to paint next