Saturday, February 20, 2010

Roll the dice of God

Sent out the bills on a new header going east
heard some geese
walked up the downtown hill with a baby chewing leather and fruit
she mewed and blew, blurbled and spit, squeaked and purred
through the hustle and bustle of oil death rumble, all of them
trying to get a fix rush in the beast crash heart falling
before the panic fear of the new broadcast fills their silly american heads,
so we dodged that shit, headed out earthling style, above the ghost leaves burned into the old sidewalk, between cedar and water, between silent indians smoking salmon for a million years on streets etched with bars and lines of pretend possesion
don't care about your laws and spiteful culture of ashes, avoid it
the dice are rolling, cross your fingers
she takes it all in, the noise of endless trucks, dirt trash semis filled with freshly killed trees .killed trees. every day. every damn day our lungs, our air
she is a sponge of this world now,
taking the quiet streets between greed, the sound of dying coming through the petroleum sacrifice streets, oil god death wish rumbling in a normalized evil Om
the other side of the world
remember it?
the people like you, no better, no less
the people of Allah, innocents like us
who rules? your TV?
my tires? The wind rustling the insatiable invasive species, random words
Peace is in-side this temple of filth and hunger
this Palace of quiet dirt, a place where living Grandpas die in the night, unexpectedly
leaving a whole in hearts, a whole so big the ocean pours in like
the sound of cats fighting over who will let spring in first
A new House
So anyway, my baby is happy, doesn't know anything but this intense, amazing focus on the small wonderful THING without words
happy, dry, fed, held in loving arms
open to it all
The dice are rolling

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Being Nobody and Going Nowhere

"......Almost at once they heard the sound of water coming from above. All the people looked up to the cliff. A stream of water, silvery white, was coming over the edge of the rock. It broke into floating mist and then fell at their feet. The stream continued to float down, in a high and beautiful waterfall.
For many summers the white water has dropped from the cliff into the pool below. Sometimes in winter the spirit of the brave and beautiful maiden comes back to see the waterfall. Dressed in white, she stands among the trees at one side of Multnomah falls. There she looks upon the place where she made her great sacrifice and thus saved her lover and her people from the clutches of death." ----from Indian Legends Of The Northwest

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thunder mind, Perfect mind

"Art holds up the mirror to nature"---Shakespeare

Arbitrary madness
brushing the teeth with a bloom
of flowers
baby dropped a cracker
wake up at 5
don't think

forgot myself
action, drink coffee
always a little different, even if it still seems the same
sitting still is still moving and the
dawn will be weird and colorful I think
save now and delete the bad ones
what was I saying

so many things to do
just move
at least you don't have to mow the grass
and the stupid dogs are quiet
put this one here and paint that blue
read a story about a giant octopus that wouldn't let go
man can that baby scream
drink coffee
play the guitar
nothing too fancy or meaningful
just some tired daddy typing
heard that Pluto just suddenly got really red